staphysagria Staphysagria is a homeopathic cure produced using the stavesacre plant. It's utilized for different issues however frequently utilized to lessen torment and assist with recuperating cuts and careful injuries. In any case, proof supporting staphysagria's adequacy is missing, and the plant is exceptionally harmful. Additionally, albeit some homeopathic cures are broadly utilized, there's little proof that any of them are more powerful than a fake treatment. This article surveys staphysagria, including its possible advantages, disadvantages, and viability. Juan Francisco Moreno Gamez/Getty Images What is staphysagria? Staphysagria is basically promoted as a homeopathic solution for careful injuries and cuts. Additionally, as indicated by one homeopathy reference, it's utilized to treat tension, tooth issues, and genitourinary problems, which influence the urinary and genital organs. It's produced using small measures of the Staph...