Berberis aquifolium

  Berberis aquifolium


      Berb-a. belongs to the Mahonia group of the Barberry family. It has been used by eclectics in chronic syphilis, chronic skin diseases, in scrofulous cachexia, and for removing pimples from the faces of girls.

      Hale reports a case of very advanced secondary syphilis cured with it, and some characteristic cases of psoriasis.

      In all these conditions it has been given in the f tincture 5 to 10 drops.

      J. D. W. C., in Recorder, 1896, gives personal experiences with does of 10 to 15 drops a day.

      On the third day felt "nausea and thick-headedness." Later there was " straining to vomit without vomiting." Then a peculiar headache, strong compression, as if a band of iron two inches wide passed entirely round head just above ears.

      It kept growing tighter and tighter.

      Strong black coffee relieved this after a time, but left him tremulous in nerves and unsteady in gait.

      Ever after that a single drop of Berb-a. on the tongue was sufficient to avert an attack of biliousness when threatening, and saved him much trouble of the kind to which he had formerly been liable.

      Berb-a. has a reputation for making "a new man of an old one." A tea made of the leaves of Berb. Mahon has a local reputation in the mountain typhoid of the Rockies, and the provings of Berb-a. show febrile symptoms and a marked action on the spleen.

      A systematic proving was made under Winterburn’s direction.

      I have verified its usefulness in secondary syphilis.


      Compare: Berb-v., Euon., etc.


      Unhappiness and depression, sometimes coming on suddenly.

      Hysterical crying at frequent intervals.

      Nervous, restless.

      Disinclined to move or do anything, dull, stupidity.

      Drowsy in daytime.

      Nausea and thick-headedness.


      Dizzy sensation worse sleeping or moving.

      Pain right side pressing like a weight.

      Pain right temple running down into teeth, pains transitory and recurring.

      Pain like iron band completely surrounding head above ears, with gradually increasing compression.


      Conjunctiva injected.

      Sensation of film before eyes.

      Eyes look hollow and weak as if tired, burning feeling and aching as from strain.

      Weak feeling in eyes lasting a long time.


      Stuffy feeling, with discharge of greenish-yellow mucus.

      Itching within nose with desire to sneeze.


      Blotches and pimples on face.

      Yellow skin.

      Waxy, yellowish white.

      Flashes of heat to cheeks.

      Pinched expression.


      Bilious taste after eating.

      Tongue thickly coated, yellow-brown or pasty white.

      Tongue feels as if, or actually is blistered.

      Soreness in lower teeth and salivary glands.


      Dry throat.


      Hunger, even soon after eating, without desire for food.

      Sudden nausea after eating.

      Burning in stomach and borborygmi.

      Cramps, and no appetite (2nd week).

      Nausea and severe straining to vomit (occurred when fasting).


      Uneasy feeling without desire for stool.

      Pain in hypogastrium.

      Biliousness and waxy jaundiced hue.

      Intense burning in spleen and feeling as if pounded.

      Distressing soreness in spleen.

Stool and Anus.

      Large, free, dark stools.

      Hot bilious diarrhoea.

      After looseness, light-colored, varnished, constipated stools.

      Stools too large and expelled with difficulty.

Urinary Organs.

      Urine increased or decreased in quantity.

Male Sexual Organs.

      Drawing and pressure in testicles.

Female Sexual Organs.

      Slight burning in vagina, bearing-down pains and aching as if menses about to come on.

Respiratory Organs.

      Bilious cold: throat choked with mucus, voice rough and somewhat hoarse, expectoration yellow and then greenish.

      Voice seemed cut off as if a damper had closed.

      Lack of timbre in voice.

      Dry, irritative cough.

      Scanty, tenacious, blood-streaked expectoration.


      Oppression and weakness of upper part of chest.

      Burning heat in lower left lung.

      (Accelerated pulse and heightened temperature vividly suggest phthisis pulmonalis).


      Sense of numbness and feeling as if there was no strength of will to lift the part.

      When perfectly still, no pain, on movement, cramp (in legs), trembling and uncertainty of motion and pain.

      Pain severe as after a heavy blow.

      Peculiar prickling as from electricity back of hand and outside forearm, momentary but frequently returning and independent of conditions.

      Rheumatic tensions and stiffness of legs.


      Weak, tired feeling, better for exercise.

      Tremulous in nerves, unsteady in gait.


      Diurnal rise of temperature and pulse.

      Flashes of heat and burning of palms.

      Flashes of heat to cheeks.



The application of homeopathic remedies has increased over the last few years because people have begun to realize how effective this mode of treatment actually is. Homeopathy has a lot to offer to its users because of the versatility of its medicines.

A single homeopathic medicine or tincture is effective against so many diseases and health disorders that it becomes impossible sometimes to tell the difference between homeopathy and Ayurveda.

The effectiveness of such homeopathic medicines is what makes them stand out in a market that is saturated with different kinds of remedies for a single health problem. Today we will analyze one such medicine which goes by the name of Berberis Acquifolium and see how effective it is against certain health disorders.


Since we will be talking about how effectively Berberis Aquifolium treats certain health disorders, it is important that we get to know what this homeopathic medicine is all about. There are a lot of questions that must be in your mind like what this medicine is, what are the ingredients used in making it and how it makes use of its medicinal abilities to provide relief from health issues.

In this section, you will be getting the answers to all these questions and more, therefore it is requested that you keep reading the following information.


Berberis Aquifolium is a plant-based homeopathic medicine that is used to treat several health disorders. It ranks among the most versatile homeopathic medicines due to its ability to treat a lot of major diseases with equal efficacy. The medicine is available in the form of a tonic and cream. Berberis aquifolium cream can be applied to the affected parts directly as it will be more beneficial to get well sooner than expected.

Apart from that, Berberis Aquifolium is also used to treat certain mental health disorders like stress, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem which makes it a great remedy for mental health as well.{1}


A lot of manufacturers have access to the Oregon Grape plant which is the major constituting member of Berberis Aquifolium homeopathic medicine and there is a competition between them about whose quality is better and who is going to make more sales.

In India, however, SBL is ranked in the top position when it comes to manufacturing Berberis Aquifolium. Their products are easily accessible and quite affordable.

Also, they take good care of the work environment and safety concerns while preparing homeopathic medicines, which makes them one of the best manufacturers of the product. Now, let’s take a look at the other aspects of medicine.


The key ingredients of any homeopathic medicine define its efficacy, efficiency, and cost. In those regards, Berberis Aquifolium uses the plant of Oregon Grape as its key ingredient which gives it the properties needed to deal with the health problems it is famous for. There are some other ingredients that are added to the tonic after going through the required processes to make them free of any kind of toxicants.

Read Also:- Aqui plus for psoriasis


Berberis aquifolium uses the virtues of its key ingredients to fight off health disorders which are listed as follows –

Low Self Esteem – The lack of motivation due to low self-esteem in many individuals is cured by the consumption of Berberis Aquifolium tonic. It has also helped in cases of stress, anxiety, and restlessness.

Acidity – Acidity caused because of eating a lot of spicy and junk food can be relieved by consuming Berberis Aquifolium tonic as per the prescription.

Nausea – The tonic has proven effective against the condition of Nausea among certain individuals.

Itchy and Burning Eyes – The tonic works brilliantly to soothe the irritation caused due to itchiness and burning sensation in the eyes.

Constipation – Tonic works as a laxative for people who have developed constipation because of eating unhealthy food.

Vaginal Pain – Vaginal pain caused by the occurrence of PCOD or PCOS is also helped by consuming the tonic.

Stiffness – The stiffness in different body parts like legs is helped by using the tonic.

Dry Eczema – Dry eczema is a skin condition that is tackled by the application of ointment on the affected area.

Swelling – Swelling of body parts is also taken care of by the syrup.

Apart from these, there is one other user of the tonic or gel which is going to help against a skin condition called Psoriasis. Psoriasis is effectively treated by the syrup and the gel with no difference in their respective efficiency.


The medicine is a homeopathic product and these products rarely have any side effects on an individual. However, there are some cases wherein the reports of the medicine affecting a person differently popped up but a majority of them were regarding the overconsumption of the medicine. Excess of anything is bad and when it comes to medicines, whether ayurvedic, homeopathic or allopathic, it can cause a lot of damage to the person. Therefore, it is advised that the consumption of the tonic is done only after consulting a doctor.

Apart from that, there are some side effects of Berberis Aquifolium cream which makes it important to know how it should be used. The cream has caused skin allergies in some individuals who have a history of hypersensitivity towards Berberis Aquifolium and therefore, it is not recommended for them to use the product.

Also, the consumption of tonic by pregnant women is known to have no side effects as of now. But it could be possible in some cases that some of their bodies might react differently to the tonic. Hence, it is needed that pregnant women consult their doctors before consuming the tonic.


The consumption of Berberis Aquifolium must be done only after proper consultation with your doctor as it has a lot to offer when it comes to treating some serious health conditions. In case that the doctor is not available, you can refer to the instructions written on the bottle or gel for using them. Application of gel is simple because all you gotta do is to apply it against the affected area, but the tonic must be consumed in the following manner only – pour three to five drops of the tonic in a glass of water and drink it at least thrice a day. In case any complication arises, you must consult a doctor.


The price of a medicine is what makes it sell as it is one of the major factors that appeal to a person when he or she is out to buy a good medicine for their health condition.

SBL has strategically priced Berberis Acquifolium at Rs. 215 for its mother tincture variation and has marked the maximum retail price at Rs. 90 for the CH variation.

Each of these variants is distributed across the country by SBL with great efficiency so that it can reach every single person who is in need of medicine.

The pricing is affordable and the medicine could be bought easily from online and offline medical stores.




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